Meet the European Center for Digital Education
Still don't know the European Center for Digital Education? We tell you what it is and the services it offers, both to SMEs and freelancers, to get the most out of it.

What is the European Center for Digital Education?
The European Center for Digital Education is an initiative of the European Commission that aims to address issues related to digital education. It also provides a meeting place for the community working in the field of education and promotes the development of digital skills in Europe.
The Center has been created in the framework of the EU Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 and offers free support tools.
What are the objectives of the European Center for Digital Education?
Among the objectives of this Center, the following stand out:
Establish a network of national advisory services on digital education for the exchange of experiences and good practices.
Encourage the exchange of experiences and good practices through various activities.
Support cross-sector collaboration and new models for the seamless exchange of digital learning content. Among the issues addressed, the following stand out: interoperability, quality assurance and environmental sustainability, among others.
What measures are you putting in place to achieve your digitization goals?
As mentioned above, with the aim of advising and training the agents that are part of the European Union, the European Center for Digital Education offers various services.
It also facilitates access to connect with national authorities, private sector institutions, subject matter experts and education service providers.
To this end, the European Commission proposes a series of measures to achieve these objectives:
A community for cooperation that includes a cross-sector space where users can share knowledge or techniques and rely on activities that help boost digitization in their areas.
A network of national advisory services (NAS) that fosters dialogue between the different member states and the different levels of training.
A SALTO center that guides and trains staff to provide them with a range of tools and practices to get the most out of digital education.
In addition, the European Center for Digital Education offers funding to support and promote digital education in the European Union.
Want to join digital education? Learn more about the European Center for Digital Education!