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Improve your users' experience through web architecture

10 Aug 2023. 13:07
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  • SME maturity
    1. Presencia Web
    Scope to digitize
    1. Relationship with clients

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If your SME has a website and you want to start making the most of it, in this post we show you what web architecture is and how you can organize your website to offer a good user experience.

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Having a website is essential to make your company known. On it, you can add the products you sell, the services you offer, different forms of contact and even ideas with which you can inspire your customers.

However, all this information depends on a series of processes and organization that you must follow. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to web architecture.


What is web architecture?

Web architecture refers to the planning, design and structuring of a website with the help of the technical, functional, and visual components that make it up. In other words, it is the way to organize a website so that users can navigate through it in a simple and intuitive way and that helps to create a good experience during their visit.

But in addition to creating a good experience and improving user satisfaction during their navigation, having a good web architecture helps search engines to better value your website and place it among the first results of user searches according to the keywords you use.


How to architect a website?

If you want to know how to create the architecture of your business website, we are going to show you a series of steps you can follow.

  1. Optimize the technical resources of the website: get the most out of your website by implementing a series of technical improvements that help users have a better experience in your business. For example, you can check the characteristics of the CMS (Content Management System) or content management system that you use on your website and, with this, publish images or videos with the right size so that they can be loaded correctly and the speed of the page operation is not an obstacle for users during their navigation.

  2. Design your website to be accessible: create a website that attracts the visual capacity of users and helps them to stay as long as possible on it and perform as many actions as possible so that they end up leading to an increase in your sales and also to enhance the recognition of your brand. In addition to developing an attractive design for users, try to establish the different sections or sections of your website in an intuitive and simple way so that they can move around your website easily and thus find the products and/or services they are looking for comfortably.

  3. Insert different functions within your page: add options within your website that help users to perform an action without having to leave your page and move to other pages. It may seem irrelevant, but it generates a comfort in the user that helps him to stay on a web page. For example, you can incorporate a payment gateway integrated into your website so that customers do not have to leave the page to complete their payment.

  4. Guarantees the security of your customers' data: it offers better browsing protection for your customers, since they will share their browsing data when they access your website and may even provide personal or banking data if they end up performing any action within it. In addition to generating trust among visitors, the website will receive the approval of search engines and will be rewarded by positioning your website ahead of other pages that do not have this security. You can add a security certificate SSL (Secure Socket Layer) which is responsible for maintaining a secure connection to the Internet through a server that connects the system that controls your website and the device that visits it.

Now that you know how to offer a better user experience on your website, take the plunge and start implementing these changes!

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