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How to manage customers and opportunities correctly?

06 Mar 2023. 12:43
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  • SME maturity
    1. Gestión de clientes / CRM
    2. Kit Digital
    Scope to digitize
    1. Relationship with clients

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It is cheaper for a business to get a repeat customer than to acquire a new one. Therefore, customer management is key to the success of your company. Here we tell you the keys and benefits of a correct management within your company and how the Kit Digital can help you to achieve it.

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Gestión de clientes

Increasing market competition and the immediate way in which we transmit and receive information have changed the way we relate to our customers. Today's consumers value personalised service and offers and services that are tailored to their preferences.

As a consequence of the above, strategies for driving sales and customer retention, especially for SMEs, freelancers and entrepreneurs, must be focused on consumers and their needs. For this reason, it is key that businesses have the ability to listen, understand, analyse and respond to those needs.

That is why a correct customer management is indispensable for the success of our business. Especially if our business is growing and we are getting more and more customers. So, how can we do a correct customer management and take advantage of every business opportunity we have?

To achieve this, the Kit Digital Programme offers financial support that can be used to digitise and optimise your customer relationship management. Read on to find out more!


What is customer management?

It consists of managing our business relationships with current and potential customers. In other words, it means organising and structuring the resources and processes we have in our company to put them at the service of the customer.

This term is closely related to CRM (Customer Relationship Management), which is nothing more than software that helps us to manage customer communication processes, sales and profitability.

Why is good customer management important?

As mentioned above, customers are fundamental to the success of any business. Therefore, a correct customer management and follow-up will be essential for our company to thrive. In addition, due to the high degree of digitalisation and competition currently in the market, a good way to add a differential value towards our customers is the attention we have towards them.

On the other hand, every resource we invest in proper customer management serves to streamline processes, reduce costs, improve internal communication and consolidate sales.


Tips on how to manage customers correctly


Build a database

Gather important information for your business to guide you in meeting the needs of your customers. Your database can include leads, current customers, potential customers, potential prospects, among others.

To do this, you can opt for CRM software. Among the most commonly used are: Salesforce, Zendesk, Hubspot or Pipiedrive. Whichever one you choose, we recommend giving preference to those tools that provide the option to be delivered with other business systems. If you have any questions on the subject, you can always request the Kit Digital so that one of our Digital Agents can provide you with the service.


  1. Analyse the data

Once we are clear about how to collect the data, it is time to make a good analysis and interpretation of these data. The aim of this is to be able to plan strategies and actions to improve the customer experience.

To do this, CRM can be very helpful as it allows us to record every interaction with our customers and convert that data into reports. In addition, it also creates lists of current and potential customers.


  1. Analyse the data

Once we are clear about how to collect the data, it is time to make a good analysis and interpretation of these data. The aim of this is to be able to plan strategies and actions to improve the customer experience.

To do this, CRM can be very helpful as it allows us to record every interaction with our customers and convert that data into reports. In addition, it also creates lists of current and potential customers.


  1. Improve your customers' experience

After evaluating the data collected, the next step is to make decisions and take action. It's time to understand your customers' needs and take action to meet them. Did you know that a CRM can help you automate this process?

For example, you can run a loyalty campaign for all customers who have purchased more than €100 in the last 12 months.


Improve customer management with Kit Digital

The Kit Digital Programme, financed by the Next Generation EU funds, gives you the possibility to hire a Digital Agent expert in CRM and customer management solutions through a grant ranging from 2.000 € to 4.000 € (depending on the number of employees of the company).

Don't think twice and apply for your digital bonus!

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