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How to create a welcome email?

23 Jan 2023. 18:28
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In many cases, it can be common to forget to welcome subscribers in an email marketing strategy. Don't let this happen to you and learn all about the welcome email in this post!

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Cómo crear un mail de bienvenida

When sending a first email, the same thing can happen as when we have a job interview or a first date, "it's the first impression that counts". This is why the first interactions we have with our customers through email are extremely important.

According to Statista data from 2020, a total of 4.3 billion email users are expected in 2023, which suggests that email marketing will continue to position itself as one of the most effective channels to communicate directly with our customers. This is because this type of channel allows us to work on loyalty and engagement with our audience.

However, despite being a channel widely used by brands and companies, due to its effectiveness, it often happens that many times they forget something as important and essential as the welcome email. In fact, according to data from Sendinblue, welcome emails have an open rate of 43.2% more than other types of emails. This means that readers pay more attention to welcome emails.

For this reason, we want to tell you all about welcome emails and their importance, as well as give you some tips on how to create one. Shall we get started?


What is a welcome email?

The welcome email is the first interaction you have with your customers via email. It is sent automatically to new subscribers to greet them and welcome them, but it should not remain a simple greeting. But it should not remain a simple greeting, because this point of interaction is an opportunity to surprise your subscribers.

Do you want to know the reasons for its importance?


Importance of a welcome email

A welcome email is key to your SME's email marketing strategy for the following reasons:

  • Customers expect it and you don't want to let them down. 74% of people expect to receive a welcome email immediately after subscribing to your list, especially to confirm their subscription.


  • Increase click through rate (CTR). Welcome emails have a click through rate 3 times higher than standard marketing campaign emails.


  • It improves the open rate, as they have an open rate of 50%, which is 86% higher than other emails.


Data sources: Sendinblue / GetResponse / Entrepeneur / InboxArmy / mailjet


Tips for creating a welcome email

As you can see, a good welcome email has many benefits for your business. And if you're wondering what you need to do to create one, here are our top tips on how to do it.

  1. Keep the content of your email short, but relevant and valuable. For example, contain information about the products you offer and about your company. This way, the user will be more likely to read the entire content of the email and learn more about your brand.


  1. Include attractive and easy to find Calls to Action (CTA) to drive sales and conversions.


  1. Personalise your email content. A very basic example is to use your customer's name in the subject line. This way, the user will perceive your brand in a closer and more human way.


  1. Choose the right colours to reflect your brand and keep the customer's attention.


  1. Offer incentives for your customers to continue interacting with your brand, for example, a discount code or exclusive welcome content.


  1. Test before sending to make sure there are no mistakes.


Last but not least, we advise you to make sure you send the email at the right time. Set up your email marketing tool to send it as soon as someone signs up to your newsletter or campaign. The more time that passes from the moment of subscription, the more likely it is that the user will forget about your brand.

In short, although welcome emails are meant to greet your customers, they are also a way to bond with your subscribers and encourage their interactions with your brand. Especially if you have an e-commerce.

Now that you know how to create a welcome email... You already have another tool to boost your business!

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