Find out how to obtain the digital certificate step by step
The digital certificate is one of the essential steps for your SME to be digitalised. It will also make it easier for you to carry out administrative procedures. If you want to know how to obtain it and what it is for, read this post!

The digitisation of companies improves business efficiency as well as the performance of employees. Nowadays, even public administrations are digitised to optimise processes.
Thus, since 2018, the self-employed are obliged to carry out their procedures electronically, including the receipt and signing of notifications. To this end, the digital certificate helps you in this task.
What is the digital certificate?
This is a virtual document that contains our main identification data. Thanks to being authenticated by an official Administration body, it enables our identity on the Internet and facilitates the exchange of information with other people and bodies.
This official guarantee makes it possible to carry out various important bureaucratic procedures for the self-employed and SMEs: tax payments, filing appeals, consulting and processing subsidies... among others. In addition, it has a number of different benefits for the self-employed, which we explain below.
Advantages of obtaining a digital certificate
For the vast majority of companies, administration is a complex issue. Since the digital certificate came into force, the procedures for SMEs and the self-employed have been simplified:
Speeds up procedures with the Public Administration: it avoids lengthy procedures, delivery of forms, and trips to official bodies.
Saving of resources: the economy of the companies is benefited. For example: it saves the use of paper, saves space for storing documentation, saves administration work... among others.
Increased productivity and competitiveness of the company: thanks to the saving of resources, the company's productivity increases, improving its competitive position in the market.
Reduction of errors: by eliminating manual procedures and automating processes, manpower is reduced and consequently, human errors.
Among the groups that benefit most from these advantages are the self-employed and small businesses.
Uses of the digital certificate for the self-employed and small businesses
As mentioned above, the digital certificate speeds up different bureaucratic procedures that are especially important for the self-employed. Among them, the following stand out:
Presentation and settlement of taxes.
Submission of appeals and complaints.
Completion of population and housing census data.
Various queries: municipal census; traffic fines; applications for subsidies; allocation of polling stations... among others.
Electronic signature of official documents and forms.
The next step to obtain the digital certificate is to learn how to apply for it, we tell you all about it below.
How to obtain a digital certificate?
You can apply for a digital certificate through the issuing entities legally authorised to do so in Spain. However, the most common is the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT).
Anyone of legal age can apply for it in the following three ways:
1. From a computer by downloading the corresponding file.
2. Using an Android device.
3. Using the electronic ID card.
The process is simple and should not take more than a few hours.
Step by step to obtain the digital certificate
To apply for a digital certificate, follow these steps:
Enter the FNTM website
Go to the "Obtain digital certificate" section, and select whether you want to issue it as an individual or a legal entity.
Click on the section "Obtain software certificate"
Then, click on the "Request certificate" section, where you must enter your NIF before you can send the request.
Obtaining an application code
This code will be used by the applicant, and future certificate holder, to present in person at a Registry Office to accredit their own identity.
The FNMT has set up more than 2,400 Registration Offices. The Social Security Offices and the AEAT Delegations and Administrations are available among these.
In the event that the applicant is unable to attend, a third person may go on his or her behalf with prior legitimisation of his or her signature of the contract before a notary.
Downloading the certificate
This will always be done from the same computer, browser and user with which the code was requested.
Installation of the digital certificate
If all the previous steps are correct, the certificate will be installed on the computer's hard drive.
To check this, open the browser and select: "Tools" - "Internet options" - "Content" - "Certificate".
As you have seen, the digital certificate will speed up the procedures of your SME and will allow you to optimise your resources. Don't wait any longer and apply for it.