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Ensure the security of your customers with these payment methods

18 Oct 2022. 11:08
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Trust and security are the two key factors in an e-commerce. Keep reading to find out how to guarantee them through secure payment methods. 

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Formas de pago

When creating our e-commerce, one of the key points that we must take into account are the payment methods that we can implement. To do this, it is necessary to analyse the advantages and challenges of each of the payment methods that we are thinking of offering to our customers so that they can make their online purchases in a comfortable and safe way. 

In fact, security at the time of making a purchase is one of the aspects most valued by Internet users. According to a report carried out by the ONTSI research team in 2021, 43.7% of those surveyed value positively the security of payments when making a purchase in an online store. 

And the fact is that safeguarding our customers' information is even more important when it comes to something as sensitive as their bank details. In this regard, 85.2% of Internet users in Spain pay for their online purchases with a credit or debit card. This means that implementing security measures to guarantee the privacy of such sensitive data as our consumers' credit or debit cards is becoming increasingly important.  

For this reason, we are going to review the most used and secure payment methods. 


Most used electronic payment methods for their security 

Card payments through payment gateways 

Payment gateways are online services offered by banks. They maintain the security of transactions by guaranteeing communication between our commerce and the banking centre. When a customer makes a purchase in our e-commerce, the payment gateway encrypts his bank details to be sent and checked by both the bank responsible for the payment gateway and the customer's bank. All this in just a few seconds. 

It is one of the most widely used payment methods in Spain, since it offers a simple, convenient, and secure transaction. 

Advantages of implementing a payment gateway 

  • It provides confidence for customers who want to make a purchase. 

  • It is adaptable to any type or size of business. 

  • Payment is made instantly, and the order will be processed instantly.

  • Encrypted payments always.


Payments through intermediaries 

Another very common payment method is the use of companies that act as intermediaries such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, among others. These entities are responsible for managing the bank details of both our business and the buyer to formalize the payment. This way, it is not necessary for businesses to know the data of buyers and vice versa.  

There are many businesses that implement this payment method because of the convenience they can provide to the user by not having to enter their bank details every time they go to make a purchase. 

Advantages of implementing a payment method through intermediaries 

  • It is a very simple method to use and implement. 

  • It offers immediacy to manage each transaction. 

  • All bank details are managed by the intermediary. 

  • There is a wide variety of providers in the market. 


Other ways to ensure security 

There are other methods that you can implement in your e-commerce to guarantee the security of your customers and consumers and boost their confidence. 

  • Implement a security certificate or SSL. This certificate creates an encrypted connection and prevents hackers and thieves from seeing data such as usernames, passwords and credit or debit card numbers. 

  • Add contact information and legal information. Adding this type of information on your website such as tax records and the like can build trust with users. 

  • Establish a delivery system with tracking. Offer your customers the possibility of knowing where the products they have purchased are at all times. 

  • Implement several customer services channels to maintain direct communication channels between your customers and your business. 

Now that you know some secure payment methods, we recommend that you offer between two and four different payment methods in your e-commerce.  This way, your customers will be able to choose the method that offers them the most security and convenience when making their purchases. To determine which methods you should implement, it is best to get informed, consult experts and choose the one that best suits your business. 

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