E-commerce basics: Everything you need to consider before setting up an online shop
If you are thinking of opening an online shop, don't miss a thing! We tell you the steps to start and grow your online business.

When we think of e-commerce, the first thing that may come to mind is simply buying and selling products or services online. However, online commerce involves a wide range of methodologies that exist when it comes to generating online transactions and revenue. As a consequence, it also includes a series of factors that affect its development, such as the legislation of each country, commercial alliances, customer satisfaction, among others.
It was in the 1990s that retailers started using the internet as a new sales channel. Since then, e-commerce has been growing rapidly, especially in the last couple of years. According to data from IAB Spain's Annual E-commerce Study, in 2021 the penetration of online shopping will grow to 76% of Spanish internet users compared to 72% in 2020.
As a result, e-commerce has created new opportunities for business growth and exposure, but at the same time it has increased the level of competition. For this reason, when creating an online shop it is essential that our website inspires trust, security and clearly projects its value proposition. In this sense, we tell you what are the aspects that you should take into account when opening an online shop
External analysis.
this consists of analysing the circumstances in which our competitors find themselves. For example, what online platform they use, what types of products they offer, which social networks they are on, what their business model is, etc.
This process will help us to identify the threats and opportunities that may arise.
Internal analysis
At this point we should make a thorough assessment of our business and the resources we have available. In this way we will know in detail the weaknesses and strengths of the business.
Target audience: who they are and where they are
It is essential that you know the needs, desires and behaviours of who your customers will be. It is also important to think about the resources you will have to attract them and make yourself known.
Select the products or services to be marketed
When creating the catalogue of products or services that you are going to offer, you must take into account its presentation and organisation on the platform. Two fundamental elements to do so are: images and product descriptions.
Images: this resource plays a fundamental role, as it is the only way for the user to see the product. For this reason, you should take care of the quality of the images and the presentation of your products, highlighting their attributes visually. A good practice would be to add several photographs and 360-degree videos to offer a complete view.
Product descriptions: It is advisable to move away from generic or one-line descriptions. A good product description should include product attributes such as colour, size, shape, features, material type, functionality or benefits.
Legal aspects
In Spain you must comply with the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection (LOPD) and the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce in Spain (LSSICE) to create an e-commerce. This implies that you must have a legal notice, detailed information on the electronic contracting process that you must provide to the customer, as well as a privacy policy for handling data with personal information. Failure to comply with these legal aspects can lead to financial penalties.
Choice of technology platform
Currently there are many options available in the market to create an e-commerce through a platform. To choose the one that best suits the needs of your business, you should take into account factors such as: the size of the online shop, variety of options and customisation capacity, fast and secure expert support service, flexibility in payment options, among others.
Assess the different means of payment
It is advisable to choose different payment methods as each customer has his or her own preference. However, it is essential that the methods you incorporate ensure that the payment mechanisms are secure. (añadir enlace al contenido de plataformas de pago seguro ReqF13_65)
7. Developing a marketing plan
In order for your target audience to reach your online shop and compete in the market, you will need to create a marketing strategy. Think about the needs of your customers, the message you want to give and the channels you are going to use to reach them. If you want to know which are the steps to create a marketing plan, we invite you to read this post.