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Acelera pyme: driving the digitalisation of SMEs

27 Aug 2021. 13:52
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Acelera pyme

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  • SME maturity
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    Scope to digitize
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Acelera pyme, the national ecosystem for the digital transformation of SMEs.

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Pill about the Acelera Pyme initiative and digital transformation.

The Acelera pyme Program evolves and implements different actions with one purpose: the development of the digital economy. Spain has already taken great steps towards digitalisation in several areas such as connectivity, the use of internet services or public services, and now it is committed to boosting the digitalisation of the business fabric. Specifically, to promote the digital transformation of SMEs, as they represent 99.8% of this entrepreneurial fabric, thus increasing their competitiveness.

The digitalisation of SMEs is not an easy task and can be a challenge, but it is essential to provide resources to small and medium-sized enterprises so that they can adapt themselves to this new reality. This reality full of uncertainty that, far from being temporary as previously thought, continues, and will probably stay with us forever. As the Spanish Government's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Spain Cans Plan) points out: the modernisation and digitalisation of the productive network and SMEs is one of the levers necessary for the recovery of the economy.


Acelera pyme, the key ecosystem for digital transformation that responds to the new reality.


The Acelera pyme program works in the creation of the digital transformation ecosystem of SMEs focusing on a national level, but with an international vocation, ensuring:

  1. The promotion of the digital transformation of Spanish SMEs.
  2. The development of both an ecosystem and a digital community around digital transformation.
  3. The implementation of high-value services for the largest number of SMEs.
  4. Supporting other strategic objectives of the Government such as entrepreneurship, sustainable development objectives or the promotion of strategic sectors.

To achieve these objectives, Acelera pyme will implement several lines of action such as the development of a network of digital transformation offices, support and advisory services to SMEs during their digitalisation processes and the creation of a digital platform of dynamic content as the main point of the initiative in the online environment.  Below, we will see each of them in detail, and how they help SMEs in their digitalisation processes. 


Acelera pyme office visualisation


Acelera pyme office network

Acelera pyme will create a network of offices to support Spanish SMEs, freelancers and entrepreneurs in their digital adaptation and transformation processes. The Acelera pyme offices (APOs) will be a physical and virtual space where the awareness of digital transformation will be raised as well as its advantages and innovative methodologies for the optimisation and improvement of business through the incorporation of ICTs.

In addition, there has been signed an agreement with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce for the creation and development of 60 Acelera pyme - Chambers of Commerce Offices. These will also provide support for the digital transformation of SMEs, self-employed and entrepreneurs to carry out awareness-raising activities, advice and personalized attention. They will also facilitate access to both public and private information and foster relationships between agents in the ecosystem.


Support and advisory services

The Acelera pyme initiative will create a network of specialized suppliers that will provide support and advisory services in the development of digitalisation plans. Moreover, these digital advisors will carry out technical support activities for the digital transformation programs of SMEs, as well as promotion activities, including events throughout Spain on topics related to the digital transformation of SMEs. 


Acelera pyme Platform

The Acelera pyme Platform is proposed as a nerve centre where all stakeholders will be connected. This Platform will be equipped with tools and valuable content on digital transformation, as well as multisectoral content and specific services according to strategic sectors. The Commerce Sector is one of the most important, accounting for 12.8% of the companies, and the one with the highest number of business closures in recent years. In addition, Covid-19 has changed the habits of buyers, increasing their online shopping frequency, which accentuates the need for the sector to accelerate its digitalisation.

In this Platform, the agents involved will find:

  • Self-diagnosis tools.
  • Expert insight and digital transformation updates.
  • Enriched content.
  • Best SME practices.
  • Information on tools and digital training.
  • Advisory and support services.
  • Information on grants and subsidies.
  • Networking.


Acelera pyme program helps SMEs in their digitalisation processes from the beginning to the end.


The Acelera pyme initiative is part of the SME Digitalisation Plan 2021-2025 that helps to boost digital transformation and thus promote economic growth, increase productivity, and take advantage of all the benefits of new technologies. All this with the aim of building a future driven by sustainable and inclusive growth.

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