Guide to a cyber-resilient SME
07 Feb 2023. 12:26
1 min. of reading
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  • SME maturity
    1. Ciberseguridad
    Scope to digitize
    1. Cybersecurity

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Guide to a cyber-resilient SME

Protect your SME from potential cybersecurity incidents with these practices.

  • Change your default passwords, always use strong combinations of different characters and remember to update them frequently.
  • Check that the remote access to your corporate systems uses two-factor authentication.
  • Ensure that all software’s are updated regularly.
  • Control third-party access to any of your networks through continuous monitoring.
  • Pay special attention to cloud security before uploading any important documents or services.
  • Create a backup policy to avoid any loss of information.
  • Verify addresses and subject lines of suspicious emails before opening them to avoid phishing.
  • Report any security incident to the State Security Forces and Corps (FCSE) or INCIBE.

Follow these tips and transform your SME into a cyber-resilient company!

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