Learn how to conduct a 360º evaluation of your website

Making the most of your website is essential for boosting your business. But first, you need to know how to improve it.

Achieve this with a 360º evaluation!

27 Sep 2024. 09:34
1 min. de lectura
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  • SME maturity
    1. Competencias digitales
    Scope to digitize
    1. Digital organization

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Making the most of your website is essential for boosting your business. But first, you need to know how to improve it.

Achieve this with a 360º evaluation!

Learn how to conduct a 360º evaluation of your website

• What is a 360º evaluation?

It refers to an analysis that encompasses various aspects of your website, such as:

  • Content
  • Design
  • Performance
  • Security

And many more!

Thanks to it, you can identify errors to optimize your website.


• How to conduct a 360º evaluation?

Follow these steps!

  1. Choose what you want to evaluate

Identify which aspects of your website you want to improve.


  1. Check the current data

Gather information about user behavior on your website.


  1. Make the evaluations

Measure the performance of key aspects such as content, design, performance, security, SEO or usability.


  1. Summarize the results

Develop key findings from your research and design a roadmap with recommendations.


  1. Implement the improvements

Make the necessary changes and test your new website with users to help identify potential errors.


  1. Monitor the changes

Set up regular monitoring to continue identifying improvements for your website.


Make the most of your website and get ready to boost your business!

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