Analyse your business data with Tableau Public

Data analysis and visualisation are key elements in decision-making. And, if you are looking for a free tool, Tableau Public is ideal for you.

Get to know more about it!

28 Nov 2024. 17:05
1 min. of reading
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  • SME maturity
    1. Análisis de datos
    2. Tools
    Scope to digitize
    1. Support processes

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Data analysis and visualisation are key elements in decision-making. And, if you are looking for a free tool, Tableau Public is ideal for you.

Get to know more about it!

Analyse your business data with Tableau Public
  • What is Tableau Public?

It is a free data analytics platform for individuals and small businesses.

It allows you to explore interactive online data visualisations and access a library of templates with endless possibilities.


  • How does it work?
  1. Create a free Tableau account
  2. Log in to Tableau Public

You will be able to:

  • ‘Create’:

Use the web version or download the desktop version.

  • ‘Learn’:

Access an extensive library of video tutorials, sample data and community resources.

  1. Join their community

You will be able to discover groups related to your interests, publications by experts, and even participate in forums to solve your doubts or get inspired with new ideas.

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